Are your mornings hectic? Stressful? Do you long for more? Here are some tips and tricks to help you have smooth and easy mornings with kids!
Do you long for an easier Life with kids can get crazy. Do your mornings make you feel frazzled and ready for bed before your day has even hit full swing? You are not alone. The good news is with a little planning you can make mornings easier and more enjoyable for the entire family.
Tips for smooth and easy mornings with kids:
Start the night before. If your child has a hard time getting up in the mornings send them to bed to relax and read a bit before it is time to sleep. Ditch all electronics before bedtime to make settling into a deep restful sleep easier. A well-rested child is more likely to get out of bed without a major fight.
To make waking up easier set an alarm for about 30 minutes before your child has to get up. This will help interrupt a deep sleep but allow them to stay in be and even doze off again before the next goes off and they have to get up.
Prepare clothing, lunches, and things needed for the next day in the evening. Mornings are so much easier when you are not chasing down a missing shoe or trying to get a bag packed for the day’s events.
Start the morning as upbeat as you can. Blast some cheerful music and add a fresh citrus oil to your diffuser. Open the curtains to let the morning sun in and enjoy starting the day with a mood-lifting environment that lowers the amount of attitude sleepy kids give off.
If possible have breakfast ready before the kids wake up. If you prefer to sleep in have your child munch on fruit while you get breakfast ready. Often in the mornings we wake up hungry or will lower than normal blood sugar which often leads to a cranky snippy attitude.
Set clocks 5 minutes ahead around the house. This small time buffer will get kids moving and add that much more time for you to get out the door before you are actually late.
Mornings can be hectic and whether your children traditional school or are homeschooled, get the school year started off strong with a flash sale.
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